56 align

Find personal balance through DEVOTION & community in this 8-week women’s program to align body, mind & spirit.

What if you could wake up every day feeling proud of where you’re at, confident in who you are, and excited for what’s to come?

Maybe you…

-Have been feeling stuck in your current life situation; desiring a body and mind reset, but unsure of where to start.

-Are feeling mentally depleted, uncomfortable in your own body, self-critical, out of control, full of anxiety & disconnected from yourself.

-Have struggled to remain consistent with your health goals due to lack of knowledge, support, accountability & discipline.

What if I told you it was possible to change your story and relationship with yourself by…

-making a single decision to remain devoted to yourself and having the support to stay accountable.

-leading with gratitude, love, compassion & community.

-knowing exactly where to start in order to align your body, mind and spirit and how to break through resistance.

56 align

56 align


This program was born of a deep desire for change.

For years, I struggled to keep up with myself. I was living in survival mode, giving myself away to everything and everyone around me, trying endlessly to figure out how to find balance, and disappointed in myself when I failed again and again.

GOOD NEWS: I finally made it.

It wasn’t nearly as hard as I thought it was.

And I met myself for the first time along the way.

I want you to experience what it feels like to learn to fall in love with yourself - to take care of yourself & to do so without judgement.

All it takes is an hour of devotion every day.

With this devotion to yourself, the choice to show up fresh every day, & the support of a community of women with the same goal, I know you'll begin to blossom in just 8 weeks... and then you'll be hooked on the fruits of this NEW REALITY.

There will be no turning back to the old you.

You already have everything you need.


  • MIND

    Real change begins in the mind. Daily mindset practices through gratitude, affirmations & unwavering support provided by the group and myself at every turn — you will never be alone on this journey.

  • body

    Build confidence in your understanding of health and fitness with personalized macronutrient goals to hit every day & two 4-week fitness programs to help you hit your 5x/week exercise goal.

  • spirit

    Get to know yourself and your needs at a deeper level than ever before. Connecting to the physical body through meditation, reflection & intention setting allows us to meet ourselves where we’re at, thus bridging the gap to our higher conscience .

How you’ll feel

Certain in your role as the predominant force of creation in your life.

aligned, Strong & capable.

what alumni are saying


    “I don't even know where to start here. Most workout programs focus on food and physical, and the rest is up to you to figure out. For me, I needed to work on mental health first. Andi worked through that with me, giving me the tools to overcome the blocks I had created for myself, without just giving me the answers. Once I realized I was the one holding myself back, it opened up a world of possibilities. I haven't been this happy in many years, and I owe this all to Andi. The tools she gives us are ALL helpful, and can be modified to meet your personal needs. Everything I learned here I'm going to continue to use for the rest of my life. To say this program is life changing is an understatement. Thank you Andi.”


    “Personally, this was the best challenge I have ever taken. In the past, I have done several workout challenges, but this was unique in that the focus wasn't solely on working out & losing weight. Rather, I focused on my mental health, happiness in my life, learning ways to build myself up, and so much more throughout these 8 weeks. The exercises, though very important & awesome, for me were just an added bonus to what really drew me to this group challenge. Having the ability to be vulnerable and know I am being heard and understood is something that was totally missing for me in other groups. The platform to be myself, share my happy moments & my darker moments, and support these other amazing and beautiful women (many of whom I have never even met!) was just incredible.”


    “I would pay for 56 Align again without a second thought. I joined for the workouts, but found so much more than that with the other practices and resources offered. I loved connecting with others who were also committing to this challenge and working through the highs and lows together. The encouragement and support from the group was amazing and I feel like I have a new group of friends after these 8 weeks together. I feel stronger and fitter than I have in a long time. The workouts were approachable but also pushed me to challenge myself on a daily basis. I definitely feel like I'm ending the challenge with a very positive experience. My biggest takeaway is how aware I am now of my daily habits. That awareness will definitely carry forward post-challenge.”


What you’ll get

  • An opening and closing questionnaire to reflect upon your lived experience and see measurable results in your own words

  • Individualized macronutrient recommendations to reach your specific goals

  • A nutritional guide on how to structure meals for success created by an NTP

  • Two 4-week fitness programs with instructional videos and weight logs to track progress (separate programs for home workouts vs gym access)

  • Daily gratitude & meditation practices

  • Access to our private community chat where you will be required to check in 3 times daily for accountability

  • Weekly Zoom meetings for reflection, intention setting & group meditations or breath work.

  • Private chat access to your coach for unlimited individual support

  • Additional accountability fees ($10 per workout missed) that will be donated to charity*

*see FAQ for details

Invest in yourself.

Gain tools for life.

  • *deposit to be returned upon completion of your clock-out form minus any charity donations

  • Receive unlimited 1:1 support from Andi through Voxer (voice messaging app) & an additional 30-45 minute personal Zoom call weekly to help you stay on track & address resistances as they come up. Feel free to ask about mindset, ways to improve upon your practices, discuss personal obstacles, and even get emotional. This is great for women who may need additional accountability outside of the group to help them stay on track while building this foundation.

  • 56 Align | $1222

    56 Align VIP | $1783

    Deposits included in totals.


  • Registration closes December 29th, 2023. This price for this program will be going up in 2024, if I decide to offer it at all! This may be your last opportunity to joing 56 Align.

  • Clock-in forms must be completed and submitted no later than December 30th, 2023.

    ** Any members that have not completed the form by this time will void their opportunity for deposit returns.

  • The challenge offers an @ Home fitness program that requires a light, medium & heavy set of dumbbells along with loop resistance bands & booty bands - no gym necessary.

  • One of the main focuses of the challenge is to prioritize 30+ minutes of intentional movement 5 days a week. The fitness program was created for you to follow with purpose, but if you would like to replace some of these days with your own training, a yoga class, cycle class etc., that is OK. If you had a wild day that just didn't allow for intentional exercise, you can send proof of 10k steps with a snapshot of your FitBit or Apple Watch.

  • You will be required to check into the group app with a sweaty selfie for every workout completed - we love to see each other working hard!

  • The Accountability Pledge states that if you can't make a workout or hit 10k steps and you're unable to make it up on one of the off days that same week, you will be required to pay an additional $10 for missing that workout.

    The 'balance' in this promise is that any additional accountability fee will be donated to charity. So while you may be 1 workout and $10 short, we're balancing the scale by donating to someone in need. I like to call it accountability without shame.

  • Of course! Your macronutrient recommendations will be calculated according to your specific nutritional answers via the clock-in form. Vegans & omnivores alike have all found success through macro-based tracking.

  • This is a fully ONLINE challenge meaning you may participate from anywhere in the world. Zooms are scheduled based on Eastern Standard Time (EST).

  • Not if you don't let it. This challenge is meant to teach you how to make yourself and your goals a priority – learning to do so during work-travel or on vacation will only give you a greater understanding of yourself. Plenty of women have completed this challenge successfully while traveling the world.

  • The weekly Zoom calls are an integral part of this process in order to connect with the group, hold space for one another, receive support and set intentions for the week ahead. Women who have consistently shown up to the weekly call have experienced a greater feeling of success vs those who did not make it a priority.

  • Weekly Zooms will be scheduled based upon all members’ answers as to availability upon completion of the clock-in form.

    Should there be a large number of registrants or international members, additional day/time options will be offered and everyone will RSVP for their preferred call weekly.

Still on the fence? Fill out the form below to set up a discovery call with me!

What alumni are saying